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Main Info
- Contact: 279-529-7178
- Last Seen: 31 months ago
- Age: 38
- Build: Thin
- Height: 6'0″ - 6'2″ (183-188cm)
- Hair Color: Brown
- Hair Type: Straight
- Hair Length: Mid back
- Hip size: S (35"-37" | 88cm - 94cm)
- Breast Size: 36-37
- Breast Cup: C
- Breast Implants: Yes
- Incall: Yes
- Outcall: Yes
- Available: daytime, nighttime
- Type: Independent
- Favorited by: 5
- Profile Views: 16,430
Heyyy! I'm guessing no one will actually read this buuuut, just want you all to know that I do my best to respond to everyone but I am indeed busy and occasionally take days off. I am also in multiple cities. I repost when I am in a particular city. Hope you can understand. Thank you, D
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