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AdultLook ID #3312965
platinum profile
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Main Info

City / Category


  • Last Seen: 12 days ago
  • Age: 30
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Build: Athletic
  • Height: 5'9″ - 5'11″ (175-180cm)
  • Hair Color: Bleached
  • Hair Type: Some curls
  • Hair Length: Below shoulders
  • Breast Size: 36-37
  • Breast Cup: D
  • Breast Implants: Yes
  • Breast Appearance: Super nice
  • Spoken languages: English
  • Tattoos: A few
  • Transsexual: No
  • Incall: Yes
  • Outcall: Yes
  • Available: daytime, nighttime
  • Type: Independent
  • Weed Friendly: Yes
  • Favorited by: 2
  • Profile Views: 1,508

Cost Of Service

  • Payments Accepted: Cash

Incall (You the client go to the provider's location)
Quick visit (15 min) Incall 200 USD (180 EUR)
30 minutes Incall 250 USD (225 EUR)
1 hour Incall 350 USD (315 EUR)
2 hours Incall 600 USD (541 EUR)
24 hours Incall 1,500 USD (1,353 EUR)
Outcall (Provider comes to the your location)
Quick visit (15 min) Outcall 250 USD (270 EUR)
30 minutes Outcall 300 USD (270 EUR)
1 hour Outcall 400 USD (360 EUR)
2 hours Outcall 700 USD (631 EUR)
24 hours Outcall 2,000 USD (1,804 EUR)


Hey there I’m looking for regulars. I have an apartment by the airport.-ish for my in call location. I don’t mind doing outcalls either. I prefer texting over calling. scheduling a head of time is preferred. Hope to hear from you.

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