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New Girl
Main Info
- Address: 242 Edmond Rd NE Piedmont OK 73078
- Major streets: Call 405-933-8222
- Contact: starrytree03@gmail.com
City / Category
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Massage Parlors
Current location
Hours:Monday to Saturday 9:30am-9:00pm
Sunday 11:00am-9:00pm
Add:242 Edmond Rd NE Piedmont OK 73078
🎀Both male and female customers are welcome🎀
🎀➤➤New environment, New face, New Asian sweet girl
🎀➤➤Welcome to our massage center ^ ^
🎀➤➤Congratulations, I found the best one among many massage centers.
🎀➤➤Clean and tidy rooms and warm and comfortable environment.
🎀➤➤The most unique and professional massage techniques
🎀➤➤Sweet and smiling service attitude.
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