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Main Info
- Contact: 970-900-4064
- Website: snapchat.com/t/MkIKSOLm
City / Category
Des Moines, Iowa Female Escorts
Current location
- Last Seen: 11 hours ago
- Age: 25
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Build: Thin
- Height: 5'3″ - 5'5″ (160-165cm)
- Hair Color: Black
- Hair Type: Straight
- Hair Length: Short
- Hip size: XS (32.5"-34.5" | 82cm - 87cm)
- Breast Size: 32-33
- Breast Cup: A
- Spoken languages: English
- Smokes: No
- Incall: Yes
- Outcall: Yes
- Available: daytime, nighttime
- Type: Driver
- Weed Friendly: Yes
- Favorited by: 0
- Profile Views: 942
Cost Of Service
- Payments Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Bitcoin
Incall (You the client go to the provider's location) | |
Quick visit (15 min) Incall | 80 USD (77 EUR) |
30 minutes Incall | 120 USD (116 EUR) |
1 hour Incall | 250 USD (241 EUR) |
2 hours Incall | 500 USD (483 EUR) |
24 hours Incall | 1,200 USD (1,161 EUR) |
Outcall (Provider comes to the your location) | |
Quick visit (15 min) Outcall | 100 USD (125 EUR) |
30 minutes Outcall | 130 USD (125 EUR) |
1 hour Outcall | 300 USD (290 EUR) |
2 hours Outcall | 600 USD (580 EUR) |
24 hours Outcall | 1,500 USD (1,451 EUR) |
Available special $250 per hour 💘Incall/Outcall/+1928-593-8502 you can hit me up with my snap:: wendolyn_angel I am a very delicate and girl. 🥰I like that my clients when they are with me feel confident to be between my arms and legs since I offer them some sessions of Erotic Massages🥺🥺✅, Relaxing in general and sexually everything you want just to make you feel good. 🥰🥰 always
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